
B.R. Ryall  YMCA serves the communities of Carol Stream, Glen Ellyn, Glendale Heights, Warrenville, West Chicago, Wheaton, and Winfield.

B.R. Ryall YMCA
49 Deicke Dr.
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137

Last Updated: 3/25/12

Soapbox Derby Event - 2012

Y-Princess & Y-Guides

Fun for the whole family!

Come see who has the hottest wheels and the fastest car as they race to the checkered flag!

Categories for judging:
Automotive   •  Native American  • Coolest Design

When - Registration Registration and Certification
                June 2nd, 2012
                9:00am - 2:00pm
                Glen Ellyn YMCA Parking Lot   
                June 3rd, 2012

                10:00am Judging / 11:00am - 1:00pm Race

Where - Judging and Race
                 Located on Blanchard St. in Wheaton, IL
                (Between Harwarden & Crescent near the tracks)

Costs - Car Kits $20 each (Sold at Glen Ellyn YMCA Front Desk)
                Registration $8/person (due on or before June 2nd)

Registrations - Now through June 2nd, 2012


2012 Soap Box Derby Rules (pdf)
Sign Up Form For Soap Box Derby

Event Coordinator:  Mike Drinane  michael.drinane@yahoo.com   312-286-0088

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Copyright © 2007-2011 Logewhego Federation
Care & Feeding by C Thuneman